Friday, 14 December 2012

Rakshamam Saranagatham

As deecribed in below mantra the last sloka in Sri Vishnu Sahasranam:

Kayena vacha manasendriyenva Buddhayatmnava prakreetiswabhavat
Karomi yadhyat sakalam parasmai Narayanayeti samarpayami |

Whatever I do with my mind, body, speech or with other senses of my body, Or with my intellect or with my 

innate natural tendencies, "I offer everything to you, Lord Sriman Narayana".

In other word what we need to do is perfect surrender. The surrender should be made with a simplicity of a child who does not reason (question) any thing. We usually go and offer our pranams to our respective acharyans in regular intervals or whenever it is possible. (Especially it is very good to go and offer our pranams during their Chaturmasya Vrutham). During such wonderful occasion just chant his danyan and prostrate before HIM without thinking of any worldly things. Dont expect any thing. Keep your mind calm and peace and pray him. All your necessity will be taken care by his anugraham which is always there in abudance. Only with the guidance of our Revered Acharyan we can do perfect, total and unconditional Saranagathi. Bcoz all of us dont know how to go and approach Bagawan.

Every yuga has a dhrmam attached to that. Kaliyuga dharmam is Namasankirtanam. Just chant various namas of Sriman Narayana. The powerful one is GOVINDA. Lord Krishna himself says that HIS NAMA has more power than HIMSELF.

As pronounced by Bakta Prahlada there are nine ways to do Bakthi (Explained in Sapdama Skanda (7th Chapter) 0f Srimad Bagawatham (7.5.23-24)

sri-prahrada uvaca:

sravanam kirtanam vishnoh
smaranam pada-sevanam
arcanam vandanam dasyam
sakhyam atma-nivedanam
iti pumsarpita vishnau
bhaktis cen nava-lakshana
kriyeta bhagavaty addha
tan manye 'dhitam uttamam

The second way of doing bakthi is Kirtanam .. i.e. chanting various namas of Sriman Narayana the Lord of Universe. Our Maharishis and mahans has lot of foresight and know that we will not be in a position to follow the rituals as described in vedas. Hence they have give very simple upayam of reaching the lotus feet of Sriman Narayana by chanting HIS various Namas. There are no restrictions to chant namavali. You can do it at any time any where. If you continue to chant Govinda always, It will release you from all the sins we do time to time and take us to our ONLY saviour Sriman Narayana.

Acharyan Thiruvadigale Charanam

Can you Hear Me Please? ::: 2

(exclusively for Tamizh speaking Shri Vaishnavas)

It has become the trend or fashion I can say that we are not allowing our children to learn Tamizh (which is our mother tongue). Also we give very least important to Tamizh as a subject/language. We pretty well know Samskritham & Tamizh are like two eyes for Shri Vaishnavam. We say Shri Vaishnavam is nothing but way ...
of life. Well, if it is going to be way of life then how come our next generation people either chant or understand Divya Prabandam and other Tamizh grantams? Now the kids don’t even know that they are doing mistake by not learning Tamizh, but in future they will regret and blame parents not given an opportunity to learn our mother tongue Tamizh. It will become too late for them when they realize.

Its not a blaming game. Though people are very much interested to learn Divya Prabandam, they are not, due to lack of knowledge in Tamizh. Am not against any languages. But one should learn and conversant in their own mother tongue. When I was working in Bangalore, I wonder even Kannada speaking people were not able to read street names which is written in Kannada, which is really pathetic. Do we really need such situation to our children?

Please let us motivate our children to read our mother tongue Tamizh and let them have the opportunity of enjoy the grantams which is written in Tamizh.

Asmath Sarva Gurubhyo Namaha!

Can you Hear Me Please ? ::: 3

Yesterday I have mentioned about the importance of Tamizh language in order to understand the valuable works Azhwars and great Mahans’. While responding to that post Sridhar Vasudevan mentioned that in his house they speak only Tamizh. This point triggered something in my mind, Hence this post. Today let’s look at the same subject from different perspective. Somet...
imes it makes me uncomfortable when people are not using their mother tongue while they communicating each other. Again I have to use the same phrase “In general people think that they will get more attention if they converse in English even at home”. To show all in that family are educated and has fluency in English. Well having fluency in English is always a welcome sign. But do we really need to converse in English at home? The answer is big NO.
One can clearly convey things only in his/her mother tongue and not in any other language. Some may dispute this point but the fact is that mother tongue is the only language which conveys your emotions, feel to the other person very clearly without any ambiguity.

Unlike olden days we are not giving importance to one’s mother tongue. Many of us having mind set that if we know English and if we speak English well, then we can achieve anything in our life. This is very wrong statement. Last week there was a talk show at Vijay TV. The name of the talk show is “Neeya Naana?”. The same subject was analyzed in detail in that talk show. There even the people work in IT, ITES, BPO, KPO sectors emphasized the importance of our mother tongue. Yes we need to have fluency in English, only for our professional life which is our bread and butter. That doesn’t mean that we need to speak English everywhere. We need to have clear demarcation and draw a line between our Professional and Personal life. When you are in office or office related parties, communicating in English is must and inevitable. But when you are at home it is better to speak in your own mother tongue. In that way you can feel the closeness. You can experience that as well.

There was an argument put up my friend saying, in order to get fluency in English we need to practice at home. Not necessarily. I have classic examples in my own family. One of sisters works in THE HINDU as Associate Editor, She is Sanskrit Scholar too, but the moment she comes out the office she converse in Tamizh only. There are so many such examples I can give.

Another big mistake what we do is teaching relationships in English to kids. Please don’t do this mistake. We need to teach relationship in our own language. If we encourage them to call mummy, daddy, uncle and aunty, there is always a danger that will never come to know relationships in our own language.

In the nutshell what am trying to emphasize here is the importance of our mother tongue. Let’s be proud of our mother tongue.

As usual I welcome your thoughts as well… Have great evening

Dedication to Kanchi Arulala Perumal & Sri Perundevi Thayar